@Chris Shiflett (@shiflett@mastodon.social)

@preinheimer @shiflett Aww man. I'm sorry you went through that, but… twitter.com/nicksloan/stat…

@preinheimer @shiflett REINHEIMER!!!!

RT @shiflett: Testing

When I was graduating college, @shiflett gave me my first job and changed my life. Over the years he has become a great friend, and someone I’m so fortunate to be working with again. Happy Birthday, Chris.

@shiflett Someone needs to brush up on their Espanol. Two kids get a dose, three kids get a tres.

@shiflett Thanks!

@ramsey @facultyco @shiflett @chrismerritt @coates @realdougwilson @xdesro @sldistin Thank you for being a friend!

RT @shiflett: I could not be more excited about the future and the team we have at Faculty. Please keep us in mind for your next web projec…

@shiflett Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one!

@shiflett Thanks! Looking forward to a great year.

I am deeply proud to be a part of @facultyco, and to be working with @coates and @shiflett again. Sean has the perfect words to explain why. twitter.com/coates/status/…

@shiflett Thanks man!

@shiflett Thanks Chris!

@howells @coates @shiflett He took me there on my last visit. Can definitely confirm that it is very, very good.

@shiflett I've been using @hbonow on my Chromecast for as long as has been possible and it rocks. I'm not urgent about GoT though.

@shiflett Lucky! I have to extract that tutorial one question at a time. /cc @coates

@shiflett Really sad. Also a reminder to treasure the moments you have.

@shiflett @inboxbygmail I prefer my accounts separate, but they added that to the Gmail app, so I bet it is something Inbox might consider.

@shiflett Even now, I don't know how to tell my coworkers about this news. Are-dio? Radio? Are-Dee-Eye-Oh?

@shiflett Awesome. I like the focus on small to mid-sized cities. Everyone knows that New York and San Francisco are cool.

@shiflett Yeah, I thought I had expressed that well, but I reread it when I got less busy. Whoops.

@shiflett "There are *at least* two sides to every argument. And a lot of arguments are just people saying nonsense while the other groans."

@shiflett And congratulations!

@shiflett Happy birthday!

@shiflett @FictiveCameron Check out How to be Amazing by @michaelianblack featuring @brooklynbeta favorite @tavitulle adbl.co/190vHlW

@shiflett Thanks!

RT @FictiveCameron: And Chris @shiflett has officially moved out of Brooklyn. :sadrex:

@shiflett Sadgratulations!

@shiflett I've been kicking that one around for a while, waiting for the PERFECT opportunity.

@shiflett Your more reserved friends may also have an opinion.

@shiflett #MURDERRAGE

RT @shiflett: Inbox looks great, but I’m surprised not to see a little bit of credit given to Mailbox for those interactions.

@HoeflerCo Rookie mistake. Obviously that's a startup that uploads your person to the cloud for rapid international delivery. /cc @shiflett

@shiflett Only "as guilty"? ;-)

Happy Birthday @shiflett! Wishing you many happy returns of the day.

@Google @googleapps I second @shiflett's tweet on the matter: Accounts are a mess. They are the worst thing you do, and they are everywhere.

RT @shiflett: Google, I’m sorry to keep complaining, but can you please make using your apps with multiple accounts suck less? Pretty pleas…

@shiflett Despite (or because of) the die-hard Google fan that I am, I support this tweet so enthusiastically. /cc @JFSIII

@shiflett Huh?

@grmpyprogrammer @shiflett Used on gadget news sites. Phones that are silly big. Though not impractical in outcall professional contexts.

@shiflett and @FictiveCameron Thank you for continuously making this my favorite annual trip. I wasn't exactly rushing to catch my bus home.

Guide to Craft Beer: collegehumor.com/article/692170… @shiflett @coates @a

@shiflett Oh, I'm stupid. I assumed you were in NYC. Disregard last tweet.

@shiflett You should keep the independent art momentum up by seeing @dessadarling perform at the Bowery Ballroom tonight.

RT @shiflett: Bad for security. Bad for business. 3D Secure (e.g., Verified by Visa and friends) eliminates 12% of your customers. http://t…

@shiflett Well not with that attitude. :-)

@shiflett Happy Birthday! Hope you have at least half a billion more.

@shiflett Whoa. Forgot they were so close together! Happy Birthday @teganshiflett! /cc @christinabklyn @killianshiflett

@shiflett WARNING: That tweet NOT SUITABLE for Twitter Skimmers. /cc @teganshiflett

RT @shiflett: Don’t mess with taxes.

@shiflett Love it so much.

@shiflett Lots in that vein... Netflix. Hulu Plus. Don't Rdio and Spotify work that way too? I bet there are a bajillion more.

@shiflett Look no further than HBO Go.

@shiflett That guy Dyson... he's going places.

@elazar No, Fantasy Football is sports for nerds. /cc @funkatron @ramsey @preinheimer @coates @mwop @shiflett @arzoum @ElizabethN

@shiflett Congratulations! /cc @teganshiflett

@ElizabethN I've always suspected that you ARE the Internet. /cc @shiflett

Thanks @shiflett and @FictiveCameron for another wonderful @brooklynbeta. It gets better every year.

@shiflett Need help?

Whoa! @shiflett, I know I'm down to the wire in terms of birthday wishes, but you know what? Have a great year, man.

@funkatron I think I knew you lived near there, but not about school. We could have been roommates in college! /cc @a @jperras @shiflett

@a Apparently people doubt the existence of Kalamazoo too, but without Kalamazoo, there would be no Bell's Hopslam. /cc @jperras @shiflett

@shiflett That sounds like a guy's name. /cc @bierkraft

@josh_stewart Great idea! TV-watching parties are way more fun than watching alone! /cc @shiflett

@elazar Had no idea! So you also believe that HBO Go is a first step toward cable provider independence? /cc @shiflett

@shiflett You'll have to steal it. I think HBO is getting ready to offer direct subscriptions, but they aren't there yet.

I've written another #IdeasOfMarch blog post, thanks to @shiflett. Here we go again! nasloan.com/ideas-of-march…

@shiflett If you and @FictiveCameron are learning to do backflips for a dance routine, then I'll be there. /cc @brooklynbeta

RT @shiflett: Every single time I hear something new about @square, I know it’s going to be good. squareup.com/register

@elazar I don't like the informality and disrespectful tone. My opinion isn't a popular one. /cc @shiflett

@shiflett This piece is bad, but I actually think the counter piece that has been going around is a lot worse.

@shiflett Setting that legal precedent may have actually been worth the passing of Prop 8 initially. Congrats to all people that love people

RT @shiflett: “Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength” j.mp/dountoothers

RT @coates: Web devs: HTTP is hard—WAY harder than it seems. *WAY* harder than you think. You should buy and read @shiflett’s book. http ...

@shiflett I heard that expectations are a blessing.

@shiflett A better approach would to use those same heuristics to downgrade search rank on sites that use POST incorrectly.

@shiflett A frightful thought! Perfect for Halloween. ;-)

@shiflett Can't believe you guys didn't get rid of all of the tote bags. Can't wait to support quality type on my next grocery trip.

@FictiveCameron @shiflett I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Thanks for another great @brooklynbeta.

@shiflett @therealgirltalk is from Pittsburgh, and he plays here a lot! Score one for Pittsburgh.

@dansketchpad Nice work! Huge improvement! /cc @shiflett

I'm with @shiflett on this one. No need to let someone else simplify my profile URL on G+. /cc @ramsey @wezfurlong

@shiflett If only I were in NYC right now, I would definitely ru... cheer you on from the finish line.

@shiflett Let's hope! Kind of a dirty move on Apple's part, but Instapaper can overcome it. /cc @marcoarment

@ramsey To be fair though, with a clear victory in congress for this bill, we need to hold our reps accountable. @shiflett @nateabele

@shiflett Congratulations! Have fun being a grown up!

@shiflett All of the weird tricks that I can never remember when I actually want to use them documented in one place. Good find!

RT @shiflett: This is a fantastic list of Mac OS X tips and tricks. My favorite? Hold option when you click the volume. http://j.mp/osxtips

@shiflett Agreed. I'm uploading some songs now. The process is doable, but not very pleasant.

@shiflett I think it's meant to compete with the cloud-based music storage that Apple and Google keep not announcing.

RT @shiflett: My thoughts on next month’s @phpcomcon: http://j.mp/phpcon

@shiflett Head to your local Polish neighborhood and grab yourself a Paczki. Way better than pancakes.

@shiflett YUM!

@shiflett That was a weird thing for me to say.

@shiflett home missed you

@JFSIII Agreed. IE9 could support every bleeding edge standard, but if IE10 is Win8 only in 2013, IE9 might as well be IE6. /cc @shiflett

Thanks to @ElizabethN, @ramsey and @shiflett for the twitter-birthday wishes yesterday!

@shiflett Thanks for the kind words, and the opportunity. :-)

@shiflett Thanks for mentioning this. I remember someone talking about it at #brooklynbeta, but couldn't remember the name.

The first @brooklynbeta was a true achievement. @shiflett and @fictivecameron should be given the highest praise for their efforts.

RT @shiflett: @nateabele: Thanks for the heads up, jackass.

@shiflett But you can't use them outside of Safari. God damn Apple trying to hoodwink people that don't know any better.

@shiflett Why are so many features of OS X hidden like Easter Eggs?

Happy Birthday @shiflett!

@shiflett I just don't get these new-fangled minimalist designs, I guess. #fedex

@shiflett There's got to be a better way to say that.

@shiflett Brooklyn Half-Mile? Good luck!

Good luck @shiflett and @funkatron. Looking forward to seeing rave reviews of your presentation.

@shiflett Way to go! Have fun!

@shiflett Was he intending to refer to the temperature?

@shiflett http://j.mp/a7OiVs You don't have to pretend to make calls on a giant iPhone.

RT @shiflett: I’m reading a little more about HTML5 video and freedom: http://j.mp/videofreedom & http://tiny.cc/html5darkside

RT @shiflett: The more I read about HTML5 video codecs, the more I believe we need to try to avoid H.264: http://j.mp/html5codecs

My friend @shiflett tweeted some links about web video today. I am retweeting for my social mediator friends. This is relevant to you guys!

@shiflett Is "Delete at random" a strategy?

@shiflett, @ElizabethN and @likapika Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!

RT @shiflett: If you want a reply to be seen by all, simply reword it. Don’t be lazy. :-)

@shiflett Clearly they ought to hire a guy like me to ask you how to fix it all.

@shiflett You nerd. @dotjay Happy Birthday!

@shiflett I think my goal will be to attend OSCon, and speak at one of the MTA conferences in 2010.

Nobody tell @shiflett that I said this, but thank god for New York City!

@shiflett It seems weird to say "on @smashingmag" as opposed to "in @smashingmag", even though I supposed 'on' is more correct.

@shiflett Oh wow. I'm sure that issue was tremendously important to some people. :-( I agree… bad choice.

@shiflett You can't escape type-gurus these days, it seems. Not that you'd want to. :-)

@lxt @shiflett Knows all about addresses. You should put him up against the next FedEx guy that gives you trouble.

@shiflett ♪ If you having twitter problems, I feel bad for you son, I follow 99 people, but Jay-Z ain't one! Hit me! ♪

@shiflett I would add Feeds and Things, neither of which I've seen mentioned so far. #iphonemusthaves

@shiflett HazMat suit included? I suppose eating Cheetos is not allowed? Didn't Jamiroquai film a video there? Where is Justin Long?

@shiflett I guess @coates had better watch out. She's moving in on his territory as the leading bear aficionado in your life.

@shiflett I feel like every framework should be a micro framework at it's most basic level, even if it provides additional optional features

@shiflett Not that brilliant... I have no idea what #squarespace is.

@shiflett Not bad. I'd be interested in hearing more from them.

@likapika Yeah, I've been very satisfied with the Tweetie iPhone app, but not the desktop app. @shiflett, what do you use on the desktop?

@shiflett You could also probably delete twitterfon on your iPhone, and then add it when you sync again. You'll get the last-synced version.

@shiflett Tweetie... It implements just about all of the Twitter API, it's fast, and you can tweet horizontally.

@ElizabethN @marcotabini I seem to have misplaced a Fossil watch at some point this week, probably during @Shiflett's talk. Find anything?

@Shiflett, @coates and @a have managed to inebriate me, and introduce me to a few beers that I actually like. #phptek #tek09

At Map Room in Chicago, enjoying a beer with PHPers for @Shiflett's birthday.

RT @shiflett: We’re going to the Map Room (http://maproom.com/) tonight for my birthday. Everyone at #phptek is invited. (Please share.)

Had a great time out last night with @tbga, @shiflett, @elizabethn, @coates, @a, @h, @scottmac, @likapika and many more. #phptek #tek09

I guess I should also tweet that I'm at dinner with @a, @Shiflett, @ramsey and @coates.

@shiflett see you guys soon then.

@shiflett But I bet you feel WAY safe now, huh?

Pumped about all of the exciting work that @omniti has in store. No idea what it is, but if @shiflett and @postwait are excited, so am I.

@shiflett Sounds like you've been taking that "City that Never Sleeps" business too seriously...

@shiflett I thought working with the coolest batch of employees on the planet WAS the payoff? :-(

@shiflett Now all we need is a plug-in to make Mail.app run reliably. I know @coates would be on board.

@shiflett's last tweet is just one more example of why it is great to work for a company like OmniTI.

@ElizabethN, @Shiflett, @elazar Thank you! So far it has been happy. :-)

@shiflett Really? Crap. I just sent him an email this morning. :-/

@shiflett I always forget to ask you, but I've finally remembered: what do you use to sync your Facebook status with Twitter?

@shiflett http://nasloan.com/feed/post/index/type/rss

Previous tweet was @shiflett.

@shiflett That's why we've got the best Creative Director in the world... one that gets why that sucks, even though it looks nice. :-)

@shiflett @lukewelling I prefer the Defective Sun Theory.

@shiflett sarcastically pointed out that I previously tweeted about eating IMDB, which was not my intent. I actually ate at IHOP.