@jperras Oh my gosh. I never realized what a searing indictment of peaches that song really is. So subversive.
@jperras Wrong. If you are writing a song about going to the country, and what you are going to eat a lot of when you get there, only peaches will do.
@jperras Developer Edition comes with bonus memory leaks for you to fix. For free!
@jperras @destroytoday And there is a real Coca-Cola aspect to it too. For better or worse, that flavor is a major part of their brand. Any change at all is likely to be unpopular.
@jperras Yes please! As a Python developer my dream would be to not have to have a system Python installation at all. And don't get me started on Node.
@jperras @grmpyprogrammer I have no actual opinions, just bad jokes.
@jperras @grmpyprogrammer Bosch from Costco? More like Botch.
@jperras @nateabele The name is Chips. Kale Chips.
@ramsey @coates @jperras @preinheimer Lifelong Pompous Tortoise
@ramsey @jperras @coates @preinheimer Let's party tonight.
@coates @grhmc @railto @ramsey @AmbassadorAwsum @jperras I don't think people should stop trying to do better than XML, but I do think they need to try a lot harder than YAML.
@jacqueswoodcock @jperras That's depressing. I am definitely not an IRC-or-nothing kind of guy, but Slack just isn't built for that.
@jperras Thought I'd try it out. The internet is constantly evolving.
@jperras I know you know. I just saw an opportunity to rant about a major pet peeve of mine. :-)
@jperras And I say that as someone who has decided that Slack was the right choice for my office.
@jperras Explicitly wrong. Slack has little to no interest in supporting them, and likely only allows them to create mindshare lock-in.
@jperras I've never joined an open source slack team. I might join a Gitter here and there, but Slack for open communities is wrong.
My friend @jperras writes the sort of blog posts that you end up referring to over and over again. Enjoy. twitter.com/jperras/status…
@Elizigan @jperras More like Welp Street, amirite?
@coates @jperras Certainly. A caprese salad can be very different from tomato, basil, mozzarella, olive oil and salt, consumed separately.
@coates @jperras For example, making you crave fattier or sweeter foods? That seems reasonable to me, but people deny cravings all the time.
@jperras @CocaCola needs a slogan like "Coke Zero: Not Great, but Safer than Orange Juice".
@jperras Exactly. Sure, your enamel will be gone, but your only weight gain will be that massive kidney stone you are working on.
@jperras @brandonburke But honestly, I've considered that. Love some good cumin.
@jperras My favorite are the people who insist that zero-calorie soda will make you obese. Where do they think the fat is coming from?
@jperras People have funny ideas about nutrition and fitness, and in my experience they really hate it when you show them contrary evidence.
@jperras Duck fat or fuck dat.
@jperras There is no answer. Heroku assumes Bundler.
@jperras Oh, I get it. The plates are empty because the dinner is fictive.
@jperras @mwop Talenti pretty much has the grocery store frozen treat game on lock.
@jperras @mwop Talenti makes a raspberry gelato that you can find in grocery stores, and it is pretty awesome.
@nateabele @jperras @mgiglesias My favorite restaurant (in Pittsburgh) happens to be an Argentinian steak place called Gaucho. It's amazing.
@jperras More like carbotched!
@jperras I'm a yellow. Now I can forget about this until it resolves. #noShackles #thebutton
@jperras 6000lbs?! Amazing.
RT @jperras: When will we learn that case-insensitive file systems are more trouble than they're worth?
RT @jperras: Tiny Vim key combination I use dozens of times a day to fix letter transposition errors: x-p.
RT @jperras: TIL that there's a subreddit for people who really, *really* love power-washing. reddit.com/r/powerwashing…
RT @jperras: Look, I love that you wrote some really neat/awesome terminal-based script, but FFS stop making me use a Javascript runtime to…
RT @jperras: The nice things about ops work is that it's never too early for Scotch.
@jperras Sounds like you guys are winning twice over right now.
RT @jperras: “No one wants to waste time configuring their editor before they can start using it.” Speak for yourself, @github! That’s my f…
@coates @preinheimer @jperras What's the scene like at Clover Club? Worth schlepping over from Park Slope?
@grmpyprogrammer Don't worry. History shows that is a forgone conclusion. /cc @jperras
@jperras But is John Cusack okay?!?!
@grmpyprogrammer Sad but true. /cc @jperras
@jperras @grmpyprogrammer It is tragic though. Talk of liquidating the Detroit Institute of Arts.
@jperras @grmpyprogrammer The opportunity in Detroit now is huge if you are willing to wait for the return. Quicken Loans is betting big.
@jperras I think everyone has like one thing that they hate that everyone else loves. Wes Anderson movies are mine. And lots of other stuff.
@jperras Don't tell anyone, but Wes Anderson movies secretly make me feel bored, even though I know I'm supposed to love them.
@jperras That was me! /cc @DoneNotDone
@jperras I find the difference between paying a mortgage for a place that I'll never fully own, and paying rent for the same to be arbitrary
@jperras (That is, the people who would call you an idiot.)
@jperras Nothing inherently better or worse about renting. It's all about values and priorities. Just another example of arguing absolutes.
@jperras Once I figured out that that was the problem, installing Command Line Tools for Xcode had homebrew working again quickly.
@coates Not a public figure if you don't have a wikipedia page. /cc @jperras @funkatron
@jperras Jeez, man. I thought you left all of the crime in Montreal. Stay safe!
@funkatron I think I knew you lived near there, but not about school. We could have been roommates in college! /cc @a @jperras @shiflett
@a Apparently people doubt the existence of Kalamazoo too, but without Kalamazoo, there would be no Bell's Hopslam. /cc @jperras @shiflett
@jperras I assume you are being sarcastic, but I kind of love that.
@jperras Who are you kidding? It is just a matter of time. /cc @cameronmoll
@jperras I was hoping it would be the super-concentrated Awesome Bouillon that the Awesome Sauce is made from. /cc @fictivekin
@jperras and @fictivekin it's hard to say who deserves the congratulations more. I'm almost afraid of what you will accomplish together.
@funkatron Honestly, I bet you could get anything you were really serious about funded on Kickstarter. /cc @ramsey @jperras
@jperras This is the "ours go to eleven" of pie charts.
@jperras I thought it was a fist fight over a lava pit? /cc @elblinkin
@jperras Happy birthday!
@jperras Farmer Wednesday.
@jperras Detroit doesn't count in the urban decay arguments like Superman doesn't count in the faster than a speeding bullet arguments.
@jperras I can never manage to get that one! I've got the Order a Pizza achievement mastered though. /cc @katiestardust
@jperras @pghypy is using a @github organization for any collaborative coding we do.
@jperras Yeah, other than Coca-Cola, of course. /cc @elblinkin
@jperras When is TechCrunch going to realize that the industry has moved on without them?
@jperras I'm here all week.
@jperras Perhaps they are interested in negative views with hopes of improving their product.
RT @jperras: "If blockbusters overbalance the marketplace, we’re going to lose something culturally. That’s dangerous." #Scorsese http:/ ...
@jperras Account Manager would have made this chore a lot easier. Too bad @firefox abandoned that project.
@jperras I use 1password, though I admit I've only replaced important passwords so far. It is still infuriating to have my data mistreated.
@scottmac Read that as "which is the basis of pain." /cc @jperras
@jperras Best part of #rdio? Syncing tracks to my phone to save on battery/data usage and improve performance.
@jperras Good thing they'll all be at @phpcomcon! \cc @h, @davidcoallier, @scottmac #dontdisappointjoel
@jperras Try harder. You'll get there.
I had an effin' h of a night with @ramsey, @ElizabethN, @jperras, @ScottMac, @nateabele, @the_simplist, @dcian and a few others last night.