@a Come to Pittsburgh. You can have the cloudy skies AND apparently cleaner air. That last part comes as a surprise.
RT @a: Genius.
Parting gift from the generous @a. Even without the beer, he's a top notch guest. https://t.co/dJWkRDlnJS
Happy birthday, @a. Hope you have a great one!
@coates @a Russian River Damnation, Lost Abbey Red Barn, Lost Abbey Devotion. Buy? Buy many? Pass?
@1Password @mozilla was working on just that at one point, but they abandoned it in favor of a solution that no one will use. /cc @a
@ramsey @a I'll miss you both. The best part of @brooklynbeta is always the people that are there, and you both pulled the average upward.
Guide to Craft Beer: collegehumor.com/article/692170… @shiflett @coates @a
@a @coates Have struggled with all of these in my current project. I must be extremely trustworthy. #notIPv6Though
@a Very awesome. /cc @DraftPrint3D
@a Yeah. Was kind of looking forward to a season with Estes as the antagonist right up until that moment. What now?
RT @a: Noticeable improvement in the general sentiment of my feed since unfollowing @codinghorror this morning.
@a Wow. That's not nearly as far off as I would have thought. /cc @untappd
@funkatron I think I knew you lived near there, but not about school. We could have been roommates in college! /cc @a @jperras @shiflett
@a Apparently people doubt the existence of Kalamazoo too, but without Kalamazoo, there would be no Bell's Hopslam. /cc @jperras @shiflett
@a I disagree controversy is about perception, not fact. First sentence: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controver…
@a That's all beside the point of my tweet though. I was just joking that an Ashton Kutcher movie never did anyone any favors.
@a Not saying that these claims are valid at all. I'm saying that the fact that some people believe them make him a controversial figure.
@a Seriously? He's been publicly criticized on issues of censorship, human rights, authoritarianism, child labor… meanness.
@a Most delicious dry cleaner ever.
@a That is true. I think the problem is with people wanting to have conversations on Twitter that aren't suited well for the medium.
@a For some people, I think simply copying the slides helps with retention. They may not even refer to their own copy. /cc @funkatron
@a Thanks!
@ramsey I agree, too dangerous during an election year for something so unimportant (politically). boingboing.net/2012/01/10/loc… /cc @elazar @a
@ramsey There is always Google+ Messenger. I've been using it a lot with friends, and it has been great so far. /cc @a, @elblinkin, @h
@a Happy birthday!
@a Looks delicious. Hope it was good.
RT @a: It would be fantastic if @amazon gave me at least 50% off on Kindle editions of all the books I've bought from them over the years.
@DonMacAskill You should have come to #phpcomcon. ;-) /cc @a
@a You had better make it one damn good drink then.
@a Anyone up for mailing me something awesome?
@ramsey Start with good beer, transition to honky tonk? /cc @a @marcuswhitney @mfacenet
RT @preinheimer: Why I'm looking forward to the PHP Community Conference http://bit.ly/Yphpcon Spoiler: @a's talk and re-connecting with ...
@a I almost replied "You'd like that, wouldn't you?", then I realized that I would actually like that.
@a Damn you for giving me that Supplication at Brooklyn Beta. It haunts me.
@a You should show them the darker side of the one-letter Twitter handle… your @-reply view.
@a Arthur, last name: King.
@a Sat down just in time to catch that one. Worst thing about soccer may be the way in which the refereeing is conducted.
@a That made me chuckle, but do not let that encourage you to make more @pmjones -style jokes in the future.
@a That would have been wasted on me.
@a What you mean is it's unfortunate that an establishment so undeserving has such an excellent location.
@a Unless you're speaking of your "karma" as it is appraised by the bagel shop folks. In that case, being very polite is neutral at best.
@a I would think that not telling them would have more of a negative affect on your karma than politely pointing out the mistake.
Congratulations again @a!
@a Oh damn. I knew it was coming soon, but I didn't realize it was THAT soon! Congratulations!
@jontangerine See @a's last tweet.
@a more fart jokes. It'll be a hit.
@a Why are they boxing?
@a WTH was the name of your talk... wasn't there more to it than "Opening Keynote"?
On my way to Goose Island Brewpub with @a, @h, @coates, @likapika, @tychay and @flackette. Starving, and hoping for some delicious food.
@Shiflett, @coates and @a have managed to inebriate me, and introduce me to a few beers that I actually like. #phptek #tek09
Had a great time out last night with @tbga, @shiflett, @elizabethn, @coates, @a, @h, @scottmac, @likapika and many more. #phptek #tek09
I guess I should also tweet that I'm at dinner with @a, @Shiflett, @ramsey and @coates.
@a I really just threw up in my mouth a little bit that time.