@preinheimer I think it has died and come back around by now.
@preinheimer @shiflett Aww man. I'm sorry you went through that, but… twitter.com/nicksloan/stat…
@preinheimer @shiflett REINHEIMER!!!!
@preinheimer I think cURL examples or raw HTTP examples are great for this exact reason. It's probably harder for me to translate abstracted code from one language to another than it is for me to make the HTTP library in the language I use send the right request.
@preinheimer @coates @grhmc Caroline uses that too. Seconded the recommendation.
@preinheimer @enygma Seems like they could give you a color swatch of some sort to tape next to the color you want to capture, and then just take a picture with your camera and they can correct for the room lighting and camera based on the known colors in the swatch.
@preinheimer @coates It seems you've learned your lesson, but just in case, I will not be checking out your SoundCloud.
@ramsey @coates @jperras @preinheimer Lifelong Pompous Tortoise
@ramsey @jperras @coates @preinheimer Let's party tonight.
@preinheimer This misunderstanding has been the basis of Republicans' misleading "not a fair trial" argument. The trial has yet to begin, but I'm sure they'll see to it that it isn't fair.
@preinheimer I have no opinion on Pacific Rim, but MacGruber is a deeply underrated film that was hated by both critics and audiences alike. I saw it twice in theaters, despite it setting a record for the shortest theatrical run. I love that movie, and I admit it with absolutely no shame.
@preinheimer You clearly know how to spot a good investment. I'll autograph it next time I see you.
@preinheimer Not particularly. I always tinker around in Minecraft when I need thinking time, but that's about it. Lately I've been feeling the itch to pick up a new game or two though.
@preinheimer I know this is broadly applicable, but I'm curious. What are you playing?
@preinheimer Thanks Paul!
@preinheimer @schmalliso Congratulations to both of you!
@preinheimer @WonderProxy Way to go! I'm very impressed with and humbled by what you have created. I wish you continued success.
@preinheimer Get it back? Cute. youtube.com/watch?v=3kEpZW… /cc @mivok @coates
@preinheimer Very well done sir.
@mivok @coates @preinheimer The frightening thing is that it seems within, or at least not far beyond the realm of possibility.
@mivok @coates @preinheimer Was trying to think of the best way to describe that.
@preinheimer @coates The best source I can find for that is a blog post by a guy named JP Koning that is written from a future perspective.
@preinheimer @schmalliso Congratulations! Your love is warm and cozy, like fancy socks, but also sweet like homemade cookies. SWIDT?
@preinheimer Traveling from my home to my office. Nice try.
@preinheimer Living the dream again, eh Reinheimer?
@preinheimer I mean it is weird that you always go for the throat.
RT @preinheimer: Why not take a break from giving @Github a hard time for being down, and try to match their time to first byte? Under 20ms…
RT @preinheimer: No one pays you for products you haven’t shipped yet.
@preinheimer @XboxSupport is giving away Xboxes? Sign me up!
@preinheimer I think it's saying you put the wifi in and soap comes out. No refills needed!
@preinheimer @schmalliso Cookiegratulations! What awesome news.
@preinheimer What kind of bus were you on? The universal serial bus? /cc @BillGates
@preinheimer Shared that with my coworkers mere minutes before you posted it. Great bit.
@preinheimer And sometimes they are also idiots.
@preinheimer No way! I'm eagerly waiting the announcement that someone has put the entire cast out of my misery. #morbid
@preinheimer Like.
RT @preinheimer: I got angry at the Internet, so I considered making a new Internet with only happy things. It only needs one site: http://…
@preinheimer cool. Going to grab a bite around here. Keep me posted if fun plans develop.
@preinheimer @coates @ElizabethN What is everyone up to today?
@coates @preinheimer @jperras What's the scene like at Clover Club? Worth schlepping over from Park Slope?
@preinheimer Haha. Fair point. But we'e got it pretty good in the grand scheme of things.
Happy birthday, @preinheimer. Way to go!
@CalEvans @preinheimer I've enjoyed my last few movies in VIP seats: a few extra bucks gets me a beer, and a view of nothing but the screen.
@elazar No, Fantasy Football is sports for nerds. /cc @funkatron @ramsey @preinheimer @coates @mwop @shiflett @arzoum @ElizabethN
RT @preinheimer: I think I hate Starbucks sizes for the same reasons I hate wiki markup. I resent being asked to learn arbitrary new way ...
@preinheimer I want to go to there.
@preinheimer I hate entitlement, and a lot of the defenses of piracy seem like exactly that.
@preinheimer I would say that the right to consume any desired content exists solely in the minds of those that rationalize pirated content.
@preinheimer Did you say something?
@preinheimer Happy birthday! I hope you get all of the wool socks and absurdly located servers your heart desires!
RT @preinheimer: Counter intuitive: Somehow Gimme Bar makes saving things from the web to the web easier than saving them to my HD https ...
@preinheimer I don't have the right to try to fix someone, and I wouldn't know how to. I'd happily work with someone that wants to change.
@preinheimer We don't fix people, we just have to be open to them fixing themselves.
RT @preinheimer: ... more frameworks (lithium included) need their own copy of @akrabat writing great posts and tutorials on usage.
@preinheimer It goes right along with the Batman Suspense of Due Process.
@maggie1000 The Hulu Plus interface is awful on the Xbox 360, but good on the PS3. The inverse is true for music playback. /cc @preinheimer
@preinheimer Give yourself some credit. You're at least 2/3 the man he is. /cc @funkatron
RT @preinheimer: Why I'm looking forward to the PHP Community Conference http://bit.ly/Yphpcon Spoiler: @a's talk and re-connecting with ...
@preinheimer So sadagascar. :-(
@preinheimer Did you see RED?
@ScottMac, @preinheimer, @ramsey, @coates, @lisamusing, @ElizabethN What is everyone up to today?
@preinheimer Just as long as you didn't bring your Starcraft 2 Commemorative Wallet, which you carry genuinely.
@preinheimer I'm interested... does your list of favorites change much if you look at the songs with the lowest skip count?
@preinheimer I've noticed that too. I suspect your body discards most of McDonalds, and what is digested stays on your waist for a while.
RT @preinheimer: Great video from Google on the speed of their Chrome browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCgQDjiotG0
@preinheimer The people making your lunch do care, so prepare to wait.
@preinheimer Oh damn. Inattention to twitter for many hours strikes again.
@preinheimer @ElizabethN is right. I remember my mom opening some very old boxes of ornaments for the first time and there being no hooks.
@preinheimer I wasn't alive then.
@preinheimer Holy crap. Who wrote Mansef's job listing for "Extreme Web Developer"?
@preinheimer From Sports to Sci-Fi in only 5 seasons? That's even better than the change from Sci-Fi to Fantasy toward the end of BSG
@preinheimer Don't you trust us?!
@preinheimer Martin Luther King Jr. Day.