I hope everyone follows @lisamusing, formerly known as @likapika. She's the coolest!
I don't say it nearly enough, @likapika is the best ever. If you have even a single bad thing to say about her, then you are a stupid idiot.
@shiflett, @ElizabethN and @likapika Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!
@likapika Where have you been? I haven't seen you on IRC in like 100 years! Stop in sometime and let us know that you're still alive.
Sorry to everyone that was spammed my direct messages to @likapika all evening. Twitter + SMS is a deadly combo.
My Grimaldi's attempt with @agentile and @likapika was heroic, yet still a failure. Maybe dinner?
@likapika, @sabotek Tomorrow it is then. If we're lucky, maybe even @agentile will join us.
@likapika Did you watch Michael and Michael? When are you coming back to IRC? We miss you!
@likapika Calorie Explosion!
@likapika Yeah, I've been very satisfied with the Tweetie iPhone app, but not the desktop app. @shiflett, what do you use on the desktop?
On my way to Goose Island Brewpub with @a, @h, @coates, @likapika, @tychay and @flackette. Starving, and hoping for some delicious food.
Had a great time out last night with @tbga, @shiflett, @elizabethn, @coates, @a, @h, @scottmac, @likapika and many more. #phptek #tek09
@likapika It was nice to meet you last night! Thanks for the follow.