@Jacques Woodcock

@ramsey @AnalogWalrus @jacqueswoodcock @seldaek Pittsburgh's largest healthcare system is UPMC, which is a group of hospitals, a network of providers, and a health insurance company. Controversially, they operate as a nonprofit, but they aggressively pursue profits which are used to force competing systems out of the market.

@ChristinaKeelan @jacqueswoodcock The folks that run @IndustriousHQ Pittsburgh are the very best. If the Nashville team are in the same league, I'm sure they'll be happy to find you a spot.

@jacqueswoodcock @jperras That's depressing. I am definitely not an IRC-or-nothing kind of guy, but Slack just isn't built for that.

@grmpyprogrammer @jacqueswoodcock It's easy when the charts are just Adele.