@David Coallier

@davidcoallier That one password gets stored in your brain, and is only ever sent to the local app. Hard to steal. /cc @joestump @1Password

@davidcoallier Let's get serious. People will bitch about any and everything, especially when they don't know what they are talking about.

@davidcoallier Hot dog eating contest?

@davidcoallier Whoa! Weird! People are going to think PHP development *wasn't* abandoned in the 90s! /cc @bjori

@davidcoallier Vim will forgive your brief lapse in judgment.

@jperras Good thing they'll all be at @phpcomcon! \cc @h, @davidcoallier, @scottmac #dontdisappointjoel

@davidcoallier Wasn't disagreeing. I was just saying that good docs require both. /cc @janl

@davidcoallier, @ramsey Well, I guess I'm just a dumb-ass dodo bird. /cc @weierophinney

@davidcoallier I'll try to remember to give it a read. I haven't read anything from #phparch since they stopped print distribution.

RT @davidcoallier: Second blog post: "Go the right way with WonderProxy": http://short.ie/3oahhb #wonderproxy #pear #imOnFire

@davidcoallier Not concise enough if you can't fit it into 140 characters. :-)

@davidcoallier Nope. It wasn't that kind of situation at all. Was just trying to introduce a new face to some people.