
@ElizabethN Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear about you following your passion! Wishing you all the success you can handle!

@ElizabethN I wish you the most happiness, wherever your career takes you next! Just think, your future coworkers are out there RIGHT NOW, totally oblivious to the great fortune coming their way.

@ElizabethN @mwop @github I think he might be referring to the new "Project" kanban boards.

@ElizabethN Thank you! So far, so good! 🎉

@grhmc @ElizabethN Google is pretty aggressive toward Google Apps personal users. I ended up switching to plain ol' Gmail + mail forwarding.

@ElizabethN Happy birthday! Wish you a million more!

RT @ElizabethN: Great hospitality from tech communities in Ann Arbor & kalamazoo for patchwork and #kalx15 this past week. Michiganders rul…

@ElizabethN Upside down "T". Nailed it! 😂

@ElizabethN Did the designer for that box cut letters out of a magazine? I don't think I've ever seen such terrible typography.

@ElizabethN @funkatron I want to go! I miss Kalamazoo!

@kalamazoox You're lucky to have her! @ElizabethN say hello to my alma mater while you're there!

@ElizabethN It would break my heart to see that. I'm hardly the only one that values you and your efforts. I know more people do than don't.

@lindseybieda I have known @ElizabethN for years. She truly cares about fostering equality in tech, and has for years.

Holy shit. What an awful weekend for Twitter. Very disappointed by people I used to respect. I'll be supporting @ElizabethN no matter what.

@preinheimer @coates @ElizabethN What is everyone up to today?

@ElizabethN So gross that my first instinct was to just close the tab so I could stop seeing it. That poor, abused MacBook.

@ElizabethN We have a couple of those here in Pittsburgh. And Church turned brewery. Really, just a lot of empty churches. /cc @rubyist

@elazar No, Fantasy Football is sports for nerds. /cc @funkatron @ramsey @preinheimer @coates @mwop @shiflett @arzoum @ElizabethN

@ElizabethN I've always suspected that you ARE the Internet. /cc @shiflett

@ElizabethN Let me add to that list then. Happy birthday! I hope all of your days are awesome, but particularly this one.

@ElizabethN Looks great! I'm going to pretend that the bridge is for Pittsburgh.

@ElizabethN You clearly had your priorities straight from a very young age.

@ElizabethN Neither will I. /cc @directv

@ElizabethN CharDee MacDennis at the next conference?

@ElizabethN Happy birthday! You're the coolest!

@elblinkin Yep, about 15 minutes ago. Thanks for hanging out! /cc @ElizabethN @dotjay

@ElizabethN @dotjay @elblinkin How is it going? Have you guys made it home yet?

@funkatron We would rather steal all of the free tickets at PyOhio, and save ourselves the work. /cc @elizabethn

@ElizabethN PyOhio: Will I see you there?

@ElizabethN Switch to Android! There's a Google+ app!

@ElizabethN I imagine when you are cutting things from the state budget road kill collection doesn't take long to get axed.

@ElizabethN @courtewing Perhaps a "Second Chances of June" is needed?

@ElizabethN Bump it, Charlie.

RT @CalEvans: 2 weeks ago I let loose a twitter squeeee. Now I can say why. @ElizabethN will be keynoting at #tek11! http://bit.ly/gZ2p ...

@ElizabethN Imagine if Woodward and Bernstein broke Watergate in the Onion on April Fools Day. Genius.

@ElizabethN Not just real news stories, but serious, in depth journalism that puts other news outlets to shame.

@CalEvans Music or not, I'm sure blocking the ambient noise helps you ignore your surroundings and focus on work better. /cc @ElizabethN

Thanks to @ElizabethN, @ramsey and @shiflett for the twitter-birthday wishes yesterday!

@ramsey @ElizabethN should I meet you guys?

My last non-@ tweet courtesy of @ElizabethN.

@ElizabethN So what are you doing for lunch? I seem to recall you were craving Siggy's.

@ElizabethN Did someone say Grimaldi's?

@ScottMac, @preinheimer, @ramsey, @coates, @lisamusing, @ElizabethN What is everyone up to today?

I had an effin' h of a night with @ramsey, @ElizabethN, @jperras, @ScottMac, @nateabele, @the_simplist, @dcian and a few others last night.

@ElizabethN Now for the backhanded part: a blog post called "70 Things That Make Ruby Devs Ashamed to Not Be PHP Devs"

@ElizabethN And then they'll say yes because of the implication...

@ElizabethN Yes you can. But only you.

@ElizabethN It's my favorite. I'm sure I've quoted it on IRC in the neighborhood of 1000000000 times.

@ElizabethN I don't like Led Zeppelin. Also, I would totally sell you on that timeshare despite your best efforts of zoning out.

@shiflett, @ElizabethN and @likapika Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!

@ElizabethN I don't know... I always preferred being driven by a parent to the bus. The bus may be one thing that never gets cooler than Mom

@preinheimer @ElizabethN is right. I remember my mom opening some very old boxes of ornaments for the first time and there being no hooks.

@ElizabethN :uggh:. Already? Can't we stall for a month?

@ElizabethN I'm pretty sure the most awkward thing you can possibly do is attempt to stage awkward family photos.

@ElizabethN Happy birthday! Somehow you got a whole year wiser, despite hanging around with the likes of us!

@ElizabethN Wild Ginger sounds like @ramsey's archnemesis.

@ElizabethN http://twitter.com/JanePitt/status/3901558515

@ElizabethN What's that? You're glad you got a Pittsburgh Steelers player for your fantasy team? Say that a little bit louder please.

@ElizabethN I'm raising my hand right now.

@ElizabethN New thing to do for fun: spam people with truly incredible offers for something cool, and see how many takers you get.

@arzoum, @elizabethn, @mtabini Just used the bag from PHP|Tek while grocery shopping. Very handy, so thanks again.

@ElizabethN Maybe creepy, but old? Yeah right! Besides, Fall Out Boy may actually play some of their old (good) songs. Do kids know Blink?

@ElizabethN I'm sure someone can pull some strings for you. The lesser ElizabethN can just shut up and deal with it.

@ElizabethN @marcotabini I seem to have misplaced a Fossil watch at some point this week, probably during @Shiflett's talk. Find anything?

Had a great time out last night with @tbga, @shiflett, @elizabethn, @coates, @a, @h, @scottmac, @likapika and many more. #phptek #tek09

@ElizabethN Did you check behind your EAR?! (/me retrieves stickers from behind @ElizabethN's ear, magic-style)

@ElizabethN It took me five minutes to parse that sentence enough to figure out which one is actually the channel, and which were hash tags.

@ElizabethN Re: swineflu. Because the weather is gorgeous, and we want to enjoy it. Winter is fir being sick.

@ElizabethN Quite good overall. Yourself?

@ElizabethN Lucky kids! We never got snowed days when I was in school. In my day, I had to walk 12 miles through the snow...

@ElizabethN, @Shiflett, @elazar Thank you! So far it has been happy. :-)

@jontangerine I suddenly feel great sorrow for @ElizabethN. Don't curse her like that!

@ElizabethN Some TV models do have that feature, but not all, and I'm not sure if it is enabled by default or not, in most cases.

@ElizabethN luckily, he has an extraordinarily thick skull, and a top-notch guardian angel: just a broken nose and a very swollen eye.

@elizabethn You should drop a donut off at the OmniTI Pittsburgh office too. ;-)