
@synapticarbors @tlesher @jesselegg @joeyespo @whit537 I won't make it this year, but I plan on it next year!

@whit537 We miss you at PGHPy. I hope you'll be back soon.

@whit537 Still talking about Algorithm.py next week?

@postwait I can support two friends at once! How convenient. /cc @whit537

@whit537 Pittsburgh > *

I had an amazing time at #pycon2014. Thanks to @coates, @whit537, @byeliad, @kgriffs and others for helping make my first PyCon a blast.

@BCostlow We meet on Wednesday. I'll mention it! /cc @pghpy @whit537 @pyohio

@whit537 Mike Parker, typographer who made Helvetica font a favorite, dies cnn.com/2014/02/27/tec…

Home from a great weekend at @PyTennessee with @ramsey, @funkatron, @pmjones, @jacques_thekit, @kennethreitz, @whit537, @epochblue and more.

@whit537 sounds good.

@whit537 Wrong Nick Sloan. Thanks though! /cc @nsloan @pghpy

Thanks to @whit537 @synapticarbors @joeyespo @jesselegg @mrstevegross @Bruce_Adams and everyone else who helps with @pghpy. #positivepython

@sinthetix Check out @pghpy this month! pghpython.org /cc @whit537 @Gittip @Carols10cents @sigmavirus24

@whit537 That would be good. If you feel like doing it, go for it, otherwise I'll take care of it after tonight. /cc @mrstevegross

Pleased to see great folks like @whit537, @jacques_thekit and @kennethreitz speaking at @PyTennessee. Looks to be a great time.

@whit537 Listen, I thought it was a good idea at the time. ;-)

@jesselegg That's why you're my favorite. ;-) /cc @mrstevegross @whit537 @pcperini

@whit537, @jesselegg, @mrstevegross Are any of you around to intro @pcperini tonight? I can't make it. Boyfriend duties call.

@jesselegg @whit537 @mrstevegross @synapticarbors @joeyespo Does someone have a problem for that?

@jesselegg @whit537 @mrstevegross @synapticarbors @joeyespo That could work. Open hack for everyone else?

@whit537 @joeyespo @mrstevegross @jesselegg @synapticarbors @pcperini @megabits So far, yes. A talk might be better suited for August.

@whit537 @mrstevegross @jesselegg @synapticarbors @joeyespo Nothing planned yet for next Wednesday. Need some help. Ideas?

@whit537 @kennethreitz @Bruce_Adams @jesselegg @joeyespo @babymoondrop Speaking of bizarre and awesome conferences: freelancing-gods.com/posts/funconf

@whit537 where are you guys?

@whit537 Isn't Sourceforge?

@whit537 hg.python.org/cpython/file/a…

@whit537 No idea. 3.3 added the venv module. The activate script must have come from virtualenv. That line remains in the latest version.

@whit537 Is it still necessary? If not, it seems like it ought to be removed… kind of surprised to see this in a standard library module.

@whit537 Imagine my surprise at coming across "special case for Aspen magic directories" in the activate script installed by python3.3 venv.

@kennethreitz Iron Chef style cooking competition? /cc @whit537

@whit537 You got mine today, you goon. :-)

@whit537 Started strong, but people kind of filtered out at the end. Wrap up didn't really happen. /cc @justinxreese

@funkatron Please take a look at GitTip. It may be a good way to fund this. gittip.com. I know @whit537 would love it!

@whit537 That's the schedule. I'm sure we can find a moment to hear about it. /cc @mrstevegross @kennethreitz

RT @whit537: More people gave through Gittip.com today than ever before in the history of the Universe: gittip.com/about/charts.h… ...

@whit537 Thank god for the unions! Think of all the jobs lost if you carried two armfuls of materials!

@whit537 @jordanmessina @jesselegg Tickets at IBM. Have some ideas to post to the organizer's list tonight. Keep an eye out.

@whit537 Glad you made it home safe. I meant to offer a ride, but you disappeared. And you were well within a likable range of assishness.

RT @whit537: "Framework as Franchise" phpadvent.org/2008/the-frame… Good gestalt. @pghpy