
@synapticarbors @tlesher @jesselegg @joeyespo @whit537 I won't make it this year, but I plan on it next year!

@jesselegg @scottarogerson You're a weird article.

@jesselegg It's good. Glad it got a second season, despite low ratings.

RT @pghpy: Tonight, @jesselegg and @joeyespo talking REST w/ Django and Flask, and Dewey Vozel from @pghgivecamp. 7pm at @google at Bakery …

RT @pghpy: This week at @pghpy we have a clash of REST API titans. @joeyespo and Flask vs @jesselegg and Django. Be there! http://t.co/Fp99…

@joeyespo @jesselegg was considering a Django REST vs Flask REST thing. Might be a bit easier than carrying a whole meeting by yourself.

@jesselegg Have we confirmed Josh and Ryan for this month?

@jesselegg feigned non-apathy?

Thanks to @whit537 @synapticarbors @joeyespo @jesselegg @mrstevegross @Bruce_Adams and everyone else who helps with @pghpy. #positivepython

@jesselegg, @pcperini How did it go? How was the turnout? Really wish I could have been there. /cc @pghpy

@jesselegg That's why you're my favorite. ;-) /cc @mrstevegross @whit537 @pcperini

@whit537, @jesselegg, @mrstevegross Are any of you around to intro @pcperini tonight? I can't make it. Boyfriend duties call.

@jesselegg @whit537 @mrstevegross @synapticarbors @joeyespo Does someone have a problem for that?

@jesselegg @whit537 @mrstevegross @synapticarbors @joeyespo That could work. Open hack for everyone else?

@whit537 @joeyespo @mrstevegross @jesselegg @synapticarbors @pcperini @megabits So far, yes. A talk might be better suited for August.

@whit537 @mrstevegross @jesselegg @synapticarbors @joeyespo Nothing planned yet for next Wednesday. Need some help. Ideas?

@whit537 @kennethreitz @Bruce_Adams @jesselegg @joeyespo @babymoondrop Speaking of bizarre and awesome conferences: freelancing-gods.com/posts/funconf

@jesselegg Where did you guys go? Waiting at Harvard and Highland with Bruce.

@whit537 @jordanmessina @jesselegg Tickets at IBM. Have some ideas to post to the organizer's list tonight. Keep an eye out.

RT @jesselegg: Python hack night 7pm tomorrow at @HackPGH - we'll be working on a diff viewer for SVG files, all skill levels welcome