@Tim Lesher

@synapticarbors @tlesher @jesselegg @joeyespo @whit537 I won't make it this year, but I plan on it next year!

@tlesher @lindseybieda Nick Sloan also seems to be the coach of a youth football team in Australia. And a musical theater kid in Kansas.

@juliepagano @tlesher there *is* that little conference room off of the kitchen.

@tlesher @juliepagano I presume we still have the space reserved… no one has ever told me otherwise.

@tlesher @juliepagano Will either of you be around for tomorrow's meeting? Apparently Steve is in Switzerland.

@tlesher Actually, the train wreck turned out to be the prepared portion. The live coding went quite well, I think. /cc @pghpy

@tlesher Any reason? Or just coincidence?

@tlesher Good luck at Google! Hopefully we'll get to see you at the Python group again soon.

@tlesher Bummed that I missed it! Glad everything went well though.

@tlesher There's a Japanese grocery on Ellsworth Street in Shadyside. I am pretty sure they will have it.

@tlesher I am young, and you just made me feel old. Way to go.

@tlesher I won't be there tonight, but Jesse Legg should be there to get everything going. Was looking forward to the presentations too. :-(