@postwait @robtreat2 @tzutzanu @united Skipping a carryon has improved my quality of life. No liquid container bullshit. Less to drag through the terminal. No anxiety over being forced to gate check or it being stuck further back than my seat. Happy to let parents or other people with special circumstances use it.
@coates @robtreat2 Super Metroid is also a favorite of mine. An amazing spiritual successor is Shadow Complex on the Xbox 360.
@coates @robtreat2 I do it for desktop OSes, but not mobile unless I'm switching to or from a pre-release build.
@robtreat2 Congratulations on the promotion, just heard the news. OmniTI is lucky to have you running the show.
@robtreat2 I'm one. :-)
@JFSIII I won't count on that forever, but I do appreciate it for now. /cc @robtreat2 @pmjones @bedrios
@robtreat2 Amazon Prime is totally worth it. @pmjones sold me on it a few years ago. /cc @jfsiii @bedrios
@robtreat2 Submit your talks for @phpcomcon! We're looking for inspiring talks about real-world situations.
@robtreat2 Are they shocked at the awesome power of a command history in the client postgresql client app?
@robtreat2 Loophole granted. It will take you as far as Thursday.
@robtreat2 Blasphemy! You are clearly fooling yourself.
@robtreat2 Sorry... but I just... can't... resist. GO STEELERS!