
RT @pghpy: This Wednesday join us at IBM Squirrel Hill at 7pm for "Serverless Python" by @Bruce_Adams. Details: meetup.com/Pittsburgh-Cod…

@Bruce_Adams I can't believe the notification I just received. About time!

Thanks to @whit537 @synapticarbors @joeyespo @jesselegg @mrstevegross @Bruce_Adams and everyone else who helps with @pghpy. #positivepython

@strangeloop_stl That was fast. /cc @Bruce_Adams @cristalopes

@cristalopes My friend @Bruce_Adams was telling me about an awesome presentation you gave at StrangeLoop. I'd love to see the slides.

@whit537 @kennethreitz @Bruce_Adams @jesselegg @joeyespo @babymoondrop Speaking of bizarre and awesome conferences: freelancing-gods.com/posts/funconf