
@andreadisaster That's really sad. When your work is busy, I mean.

@andreadisaster They were born in the future?!

@andreadisaster Well, you can't be right about everything.

@andreadisaster Same here, only make that two years.

@andreadisaster There's still the quirky and fun gift shop in Shadyside.

@andreadisaster Is that like a lead-in for full-on, double casual Fridays?

@andreadisaster What's wrong with that? I say that several times a week.

@andreadisaster There are too many damn farmers markets in this city!

@andreadisaster Transatlanticism never gets old. I think it's probably their best album, though I love The Photo Album too.

@andreadisaster Maybe... Where is it at?

@andreadisaster fresh out of good vibes, but I've got positive thoughts and mental high fives if you need htem.

@andreadisaster I challenge you to name a fantastic parking lot in this city. Civil Engineers: Do not get your degree in Pittsburgh.

@andreadisaster Surely there are a number of couches available to you in this city before you turn to that!

@andreadisaster How's the apartment hunting going? Hopefully better...?

@andreadisaster Come to Oakland! It's fun here all the time, and traffic is never so awful that you want to die!

@andreadisaster Sounds like the best summer EVERRRRRRRR!

@andreadisaster Cormac McCarthy is too weird for me.

@andreadisaster Exactly... My dream would be to live near my office, and be able to work from home at my own discretion.

@andreadisaster Welcome to my hell.

@andreadisaster Damn.... now I'm thinking about the Mango sorbet.

@andreadisaster Be careful!

@andreadisaster Booo reruns!

@andreadisaster Did @thatnight bail on you?

@andreadisaster I think it's annoying when people who have suffered a misfortune say "It's not your fault" when you say "I'm sorry."

@andreadisaster Oh yeah, the german version is so much better.

@andreadisaster This question just occurred to me: Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?

@andreadisaster People need to wait until after Thanksgiving to start that crap. it's still the better part of 2 months away!

@andreadisaster How's it going waaaaaaay back there at the end of the lunch line?

Grabbing a post #pcpgh4 meal and drinks with @andreadisaster, @thatnight and every other blogger in Pittsburgh.

@andreadisaster How are you getting downtown for #pcpgh4 tomorrow?

@andreadisaster Thanks for the reminder. I sent an email. We'll see what happens, I suppose.

@andreadisaster Ooh, I nearly forgot about that. I probably should, huh?

@andreadisaster That's something he should be proud of. No apology necessary. "I'm a monsteeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!"

@allthingsnoisy, @andreadisaster, @justinkownacki What is it with yinzers and ridiculously long twitter handles?

@andreadisaster Well if you're ever bored in or around Oakland/Shadyside, feel free to tweet at me. :-)

@andreadisaster Schenley Park, Best Park! :-) If you get bored, let me know. I don't mind excuses to get out of the apartment.

@andreadisaster Oh cool. That's on my "eventually" list. Which park are you reading at?

@andreadisaster Whatcha reading? BTW, seems more like you're tweeting in the park.

@andreadisaster Nerds.

@andreadisaster @JMalecki You guys get to see all of the excited and inspired new students What's so bad about that?

@andreadisaster Without cable, there is probably no one to ask. :-/ Also, I had lunch at Five Guys today, and it was yummy.

@andreadisaster I guess we'll just have to have lost parties when the new season starts. How do you not have ABC?

@andreadisaster Lost is the best! I've got Seasons 1 through 4 on Blu-Ray. Live together, die alone!

@andreadisaster I call bullshit! It's a Saturday!

@andreadisaster That's no excuse, they could arrange for the faxes to be saved as PDFs and emailed to you. Fight back!

@andreadisaster Also, you're really raging against the remake today.

@andreadisaster Working in PJs is one of life's finest pleasures. You can write obits from home!

@andreadisaster You ought to work from home, it's great. I'm wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt right now.

@andreadisaster You may also want to check out the G1 on T-Mobile. It is the first phone based on Google's Android smartphone OS.

@andreadisaster They changed the pricing model. Now some songs are $1.29 and some songs are like $0.89 or something.

@andreadisaster That's why I'm a commodity here. No one knows me. Tell your friends.

@andreadisaster Either my school was more progressive than I thought, or "controversial" just isn't what it used to be. :-)

@andreadisaster http://tr.im/r3P9 See my comment. At one point maybe they were controversial, but they don't seem to be that daring today.

@andreadisaster Doesn't seem very *challenged*. I read 5 of those in school, and a 6th was read in a class that I didn't take.

@andreadisaster Paste Magazine would rock if it was all about adhesives.