@AllisonB @allthingsnoisy Right. It's not that the new thing is bad, it's just not as good as what came before. I'll miss those sandwiches so much.
@allthingsnoisy I just use the more formal "END OF NAME"
@allthingsnoisy If you are an unvaccinated person who has access to the vaccine, this website is called Covid Spread Ingrates.
@allthingsnoisy That's likely true. She's too kind.
@allthingsnoisy I'm working at a startup called @CommunityElf. I'd love to grab a beer some time after the new year. I'm swamped until then.
@allthingsnoisy Not bad. How have you been?
@srussell001 Was going to boo you for disparaging Detroit, but then I realized you probably meant the snow. /cc @allthingsnoisy
@allthingsnoisy Have fun! Tell 'em Nick sent ya.
@allthingsnoisy "Based on my shipping notification, I can confirm that this product is a thing of some sort. A shippable thing."
@allthingsnoisy People here seem to conflate "good" and "big" a lot.
@allthingsnoisy Whoa. Same here. Neat!
@allthingsnoisy Very few "nuts" are actually nuts in the botanical sense. Cashews, almonds, pecans… all not nuts. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nut_(frui…
@allthingsnoisy Feeding Betty White to ducks is too.
@allthingsnoisy And better for making sandwiches. This is getting weird.
@allthingsnoisy And better looking.
@allthingsnoisy Great. Now who's the president??????
@allthingsnoisy Don't tell me what I can't do.
@allthingsnoisy You can't just shoot the people making too much noise!
@allthingsnoisy "Let's jump out of a plane!" "Um... Alright..." "How is Monday?" "Oh shucks, I'm busy that day. Damn."
@allthingsnoisy If only you had had the patience to wait 8 hours for that. :-)
@allthingsnoisy Maybe she thinks it's hilarious when her daughters trip and fall.
@allthingsnoisy Whaaaaaaaat? That's a crime.
@allthingsnoisy Sounds good. I can never stay away from Oh Yeah! for very long.
@allthingsnoisy Haha, nope! Must have been some other handsome devil.
@allthingsnoisy Haha. How sad is it that you have time to check in at the Squirrel Hill tunnel? Very clever.
@allthingsnoisy If you can get out of your AT&T plan, you owe it to yourself to try Android on any other carrier. AT&T ruins the software.
@allthingsnoisy That's my main rule for apologies... if you have to apologize, salvage the situation by making up an awesome new word.
@allthingsnoisy You mean the Thawlocaust. I want those snowflakes to suffer.
@allthingsnoisy How is it? I've never been, but I've been very curious.
@allthingsnoisy I wasn't such a fan of that one.
@allthingsnoisy Everyone deserves a turn!
@allthingsnoisy I'm pretty sure you're only added once they email you.
@allthingsnoisy They've got your number now... The judges are like, "Yeah, this woman actually shows up, and seems to have a capable brain."
@JustinKownacki You hear that? It's official, Puppets To Be Desired, produced by @slango and @allthingsnoisy coming soon!
@allthingsnoisy Let's make our own STBD... sure, I don't know any actors, but we can do it with puppets. We're way funnier anyway! :-)
@allthingsnoisy If he brings ice cream... no big deal.
@allthingsnoisy I don't know... you're in pretty good company. Maybe it's secretly lame to have a short twitter handle? Uh oh!
@allthingsnoisy, @andreadisaster, @justinkownacki What is it with yinzers and ridiculously long twitter handles?
@allthingsnoisy That was not a sarcastic response by the way. PM me if you want to talk a bit more on the subject.
@allthingsnoisy The answer to SEO is to focus on your content and not TRY to game the system.
@allthingsnoisy The more, the merrier, that's what I always say!
@allthingsnoisy Have a conference call with a client at 6, which could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Working late today. :-/
@allthingsnoisy Ooh, Yum. I'm jealous.
@allthingsnoisy this comment alone has single-handedly justified me following you.