@therealelp Congrats on selling out the Fantastic Damage reissue. Will this be restocked or is it gone for another couple decades? /cc @FatPossum
@alexr1391 @therealelp I believe he said they would the very instant he had a free moment. I've seen no evidence of that having happened yet.
@therealelp Cancer 5or Cure CONFIRMED 2020!
@therealelp G-O-L-D
I'm going to give @DrBronner a try, and it's all because of @therealelp.
@therealelp Any update on that Fantastic Damage vinyl reissue? I know it's not the highest priority, but any news is good news.
@therealelp I like my box and slipmat!
@Beats1 @runjewels @KillerMike @therealelp @AppleMusic I think it's weird to describe this as their "self-titled album" given the names of the other two.
@therealelp I'm taking this to mean that the reissues are in progress. Don't tell me if I'm wrong. I need to keep the hope alive.
@therealelp This was really fucking moving man.
@anderother @therealelp has talked before about how Def Jux was never meant to be a niche, but that fans self-segregated from other hip hop and splintered his work from the community. I've been trying to question my own habits as a fan of the art form.
@therealelp @DOOMTREE @therealelp on that tech support grind!
@YEAHRIGHTPOS Really bummed to have missed their stop in Pittsburgh last weekend. /cc @therealelp @KillerMikeGTO