@Armin Ronacher

@mitsuhiko Flask is great for those of us who have largely rejected what passes for web stacks these days. It has useful hooks for custom functionality that have let it expand to fill in the gaps quite seamlessly. It endures because of its simplicity, not in spite of it.

@mitsuhiko Life has just been straight up better since I replaced brew with nix for everything.

@mitsuhiko Nix has been a life-changer, and it is especially great for cases where a project has specific needs that are atypical for your system. Though it's also great for the more common cases as well. Highly recommend.

@mitsuhiko You forgot stackback. Did I win the game?

@mitsuhiko "Oh, sure. You're going to wake up from a nap in 30 minutes. Riiiiight."

@mitsuhiko Surprise!

@mitsuhiko DI for Humans?

@mitsuhiko Wondering about that myself. Have a few projects I'd like to get into it on, but want to feel confident that it's up to the task.

Python deployments are much easier with tools. @mitsuhiko wrote a great post about Wheels over a year ago: lucumr.pocoo.org/2014/1/27/pyth…