@joestump I've always heard that some men turn into bears as they get older, but this is ridiculous.
@joestump Enjoy your visit!
@joestump Responsibility for police abuses in Ferguson belongs to the State of Missouri. There are more appropriate things to blame on Obama
Seems like that is exactly the point he was making, @hypatiadotca. /cc @joestump @pmarca @rustyk5
@joestump Sadly T-Mobile is garbage west of like Ohio. Love them in Pittsburgh though.
@joestump Sadly "what" docs are often way easier, and sometimes they even write themselves.
@joestump Agreed, but I'd amend that to HOW first, then WHAT. Hitting an edge case that "how" docs don't cover is just as frustrating.
@joestump Life is too short to wait half a decade for a bicycle. Would rather get a decent mass-produced bike and start riding tomorrow.
@joestump Fair enough. :-)
@joestump Not defending the WBC, they are literally as shitty as it gets, but I hate pettiness in the name of a just cause.
@joestump Hey look! I've got the moral high ground already, let me immediately THROW IT AWAY to be childish.
@joestump What you are describing is called teamwork.
@davidcoallier That one password gets stored in your brain, and is only ever sent to the local app. Hard to steal. /cc @joestump @1Password
@joestump The ol' "Really really equal?"
@joestump FLAC or ALAC at a reasonable price might change my mind. I like the streaming services to supplement my core collection.
@joestump I still buy everything on CD. What does that make me? :-)
@joestump Tough love.
@joestump They just left out that it would raise the burden on everyone else that uses those services too.
@joestump This exact same thought occurred to me yesterday when I starred a message on my phone's Gmail app, and then looked at in in Mail.
@joestump A while back you mentioned owning a Withings. How did you like it? Was it half-breaking your fault, or due to poor construction?
@joestump If you don't spend a lot of time in North Dakota, Sprint's network is probably going to be fine. Support unlimited while it lasts.
@joestump I wish there was more attention on the low ROI that most higher education yields. It's a terrible investment in many cases.
@joestump Good for you! I literally broke my scale yesterday. I tripped over it and it smashed into the wall, but still, not a good sign.
@joestump Either way, the problem is the absurd cost of health care. If we could reign that in, people could take care of themselves.
@joestump I think his position is that everyone shouldn't have to pay to keep someone alive, but it would be swell if someone did.
@joestump And he suggested that family and private charities should take care of the man. I don't personally agree with him, for the record
@joestump To be fair, the example given was of a man who could afford health insurance, but chose to go without.
@joestump What have you been doing to lose it?
@joestump Here's hoping @google gets to work on fixing this soon. The way things work now is unbearable.
@joestump I heard this a while back. Scary.
@joestump I'm from the suburbs (Roseville), and am kind of disappointed about being brought up to avoid the city.
@joestump I assumed you were older. I get defensive of Detroit because there are great people doing great things that go unacknowledged.
@joestump I assume you are a Gen X-er. I've heard that a lot of the cool things have been done by Gen Y-ers and the youngest Gen X-ers.
@joestump Your generation may have given up on Detroit, but mine is just discovering the opportunities that the decline has created.
@joestump At the moment, there are a lot of very creative people doing really cool things in Detroit.
@joestump That so many people on Android use so many varying approaches to input is evidence that sometimes there is no single "right way."
@joestump It's absolutely right. Swype is a better keyboard than anything I've ever used on a touch screen. What is your problem with this?
@joestump Go see Get Him to the Greek... you can make it a theme for tonight.