@Jefferson McCree

@ramsey @jmccree Still think about him often.

Remembering my friend @jmccree today on his birthday.

RT @ramsey: Six years ago, @jmccree gave a presentation at @AtlantaPHP entitled “Apache and PHP: BFFs.” I miss you, Jeff. http://t.co/O6uv…

Devastated and shocked by the news that I'm hearing about @jmccree. He was a good friend, and I'll miss his insights and silly antics.

@ramsey Lost $50K in value? I *knew* you shouldn't have given @jmccree your address. Seriously though, sorry to hear that. Good luck.

@jmccree This is why I stay boring.

@chartjes Yes, you were a fantastic help, as were @jmccree, @phpnut, and so many others.