@ianstormtaylor Hey bud! It's been a while! Any chance you could give me some advice for a custom analytics.js build? We need to make some adjustments to a previous build, and the procedure we used then doesn't seem to work anymore.
@ianstormtaylor Hey man! Hope you've been well. Any inside info on this github.com/segmentio/anal…?
@ianstormtaylor Try living in Pennsylvania during this election season. Yikes. :-(
@ianstormtaylor Yeah right! In your dreams! Who would pay someone just to make the thing they already made less horrible?
@ianstormtaylor @coates @JFSIII We could just admit the way elections actually work, and swap out voting for @Bountysource.
@JFSIII @ianstormtaylor Quality Assurance Committee for Congress? Unit tests?
@ianstormtaylor Oh wait. Not that idea... The other one.
@ianstormtaylor A friend mentioned that he is working on something similar. Was wondering if I have your blessing to help with that.
@ianstormtaylor Working on various projects when not at my day job. Was thinking about that idea you and I were talking about back then.
@ianstormtaylor How's it going? What have you been up to?
@ianstormtaylor I'd take iMessage if Apple would give it to me. Just *something* I can use anywhere. That's all I want!
@ianstormtaylor *And* the Google+ stuff is getting pretty slick. New Hangouts will be cool. At least friends not on my OS can join. :-)
RT @ianstormtaylor: everytime i think about flexbox i get sad. most useful, yet slowest feature to ship ever. and safari is still screwi ...
@ianstormtaylor What was your demo called?
@ianstormtaylor Hey pal! Just noticed you're going to be at @brooklynbeta, though I think I knew that already. Hope you're doing well.