@Iain Lee

@iainlee Please don't make me choose between unfollowing you and being forced to follow @AbsoluteIainLee.

@iainlee I think addressing these people is beneath you. It degrades the quality of your tweets for your real followers.

@iainlee One of my favorite restaurants here in Pittsburgh was topping off their Artisanal Cheeseburger with it for a bit. Delicious.

@iainlee Where is the Android app?

@iainlee More importantly, when are you guys going to start rehashing episodes of Two and a Half Men! I need answers!

@iainlee I think you, @geekytom and Paul Terry need to start a weekly podcast to discuss the latest developments on Jersey Shore.

@iainlee Why do people seem to dislike you so much? It's obvious that @geekytom is the villian.

@iainlee Masked crime-fighting team?

@iainlee Congrats on your last TLI. I'll miss watching you guys. Except for @geekytom, of course.

@iainlee I was at that show. Look for the totally awesome dude with the girlfriend that looks like she's a year away from crushing his soul.