@azizansari Also, your dad says "What's up man" like no other dad. It's amazing.
@azizansari I've been mourning the loss off Tom Haverford for a while, but fuck that guy. You have made a very good show.
@michelleriches @azizansari Thanks for taking my Saturday away from me.
@azizansari Pittsburgh, home of me.
RT @azizansari: I really think rappers should start adjusting headphone levels before starting to record their verses.
RT @azizansari: Twins reboot. Me and Kevin James. RT if you're in. #TwinsReloaded
RT @azizansari: I hired an Aziz Look a Like to sell my new special on the streets of NYC. Let me know if you see him! http://t.co/D6ICXerf
@azizansari SPOILER ALERT: Winter is coming.
@azizansari As a taco lover, have you been to Yo Rita in Pittsburgh? It's delicious. What is the most perfect taco you can imagine? #AskAziz
@azizansari Will we see Raaaaaaaandy again? #AskAziz
@azizansari How are the online sales of your special doing? I, for one, hope it has been a success for you. #AskAziz
@azizansari Quick, get Geraldo's opinion on women that dressed provocatively the night they were raped.
@azizansari Nothing is better than seeing someone who truly cares about his fans succeed. Hope your special exceeds your wildest dreams.
@azizansari Bravo for taking a cue from @louisck's distribution strategy. This is the start of the funniest revolution since the French one!
@azizansari Then why bother seeing it?
@azizansari I didn't realize that that list went up to 100 million now… /cc @peoplemag
RT @azizansari: Help @superamit beat leukemia. Swab your cheek, possibly save a life. He needs your kit by 11/30. More here: http://t.co ...
Damn, @azizansari. Bailing immediately after your interview with @ConanOBrien? That's some baller-ass @tomhanks type shit.
@azizansari be sure to check out the @YEAHRIGHTPOS show at 8 at Phenom tonight if you are still in town. You will love the show.
@azizansari I think we have very different definitions of "INCREDIBLE".
@azizansari Holy shit. It just occurred to me that it is like 4 AM in LA. What in the hell could you be printing at 4 AM?
@azizansari Printing? What is this, 1985? Ha!
@azizansari Duquesne Light got my power back on for the last 45 minutes of the Secret Stash airing. I didn't miss Raaaaaaaandy. Thank God!
@azizansari Please join me in a special fuck you to Duquesne Light, who made me to miss your special due to a seemingly causeless outage.