
RT @coates: When doing the @twitter oauth dance, is there a way to require that the user reauthenticates with Twitter? (enters password + m…

An updated @twitter client for Mac can only mean one thing: new, more intrusive ad styles!

And the part that makes me sick is that I'm pretty sure @twitter is holding back so that they can monetize the feature when they release it.

By not providing a secure way to delegate account access, @twitter is tacitly encouraging bad security practices. Discuss.

@twitter Self-Retweet: used to show a tweet to more recent followers or share an @-reply with my followers. This is a really good idea.

@Tetraboy There are a few inactive usernames that I'd take any one of, but @twitter apparently loves squatters more than active users.

@twitter http://tinyurl.com/c23nzo. I'm only following 53 people, not 2000. This happens with some accounts, but not others. Help!