@NailzConnelly @Rob_Sonic What he's talking about is genetic. Not going to change.
@Rob_Sonic Just in the sense that Defriender makes Ja Rule look bad.
@Rob_Sonic Just got a shipment notification. I'm guessing that means you pushed some buttons or pushed some people, but either way, thanks for looking into it.
@Rob_Sonic Thanks man. Been itching to spin this for a while. Bummed that this go round hasn't been a good one on the tour side for you. I know lots of people would agree that the music and the effort to play it live means a lot to us, but I respect that it can take a heavy toll as well.
@Rob_Sonic I know you've been trying to get everything out from the road, but I still haven't received the vinyl or the poster and I just wanted to check in. Can't wait to finally give it a proper spin. I appreciate the effort for all of this!
@Rob_Sonic Thanks for the update, and for all of the work getting this stuff out while keeping the live shows happening.
@Rob_Sonic Hey man, just wanted to mention that my Defriender first edition package hasn't arrived yet. I only mention it because I seem to recall you mentioning them going out a few weeks back.
@Rob_Sonic I usually don't commit to anything that far in advance, but what the hell. I'm in.
@Rob_Sonic I have the most fun when the musicians I love sound like they are having fun. That's the best part of Mallon in general, and Whales is one of the high points.
@Rob_Sonic Follow your heart, dummy.
@Rob_Sonic Thanks for making so much good music.
@jordanmessina @AesopRockWins and @Rob_Sonic are from NYC, but the rest are from Minnesota's hip hop scene.
Over the next month I'll be seeing @aesoprockwins, @rob_sonic, @astronautalis, @MIKEMICTLAN and @YEAHRIGHTPOS performing live. Unbelievable.
@Rob_Sonic Unions can be necessary, but the way the UAW and their pet-politicians ruined Detroit shows that they can be destructive too.