@Google Play

@gsuite In particular, @GooglePlay purchases are tied to an account that I'd lose forever if I delete my old, personal domain name org.

Hey @GooglePlay: if I can't paste into the password field on Android, then I cannot use your service. I thought you'd be better at security.

@GooglePlay I couldn't paste my password from @1Password into the Play Store app on my Nexus 6P today. Is that a recent change?

I'm not sure when @runjewels was added to @GooglePlay, but I'm very glad that they are. Finally giving both albums a listen.

@AnderOTHER Just saw this. Hope that actually is easy for you guys, otherwise @GooglePlay has failed me (and you).

@AnderOTHER Can you guys yell at @GooglePlay to fix the cover entry for @SIMSdoomtree, and get Doomtree (metal) out of my auto-playlists.

RT @GooglePlay: Change the world from your phone with a $1/day. #OneToday by Google goo.gl/ygnNX is now available for all #Androi…