@BrotherAli @atmosphere Was going to wait to buy it for a couple of weeks, but I'm a sucker for a heartfelt @BrotherAli endorsement.
@BrotherAli It's a lot harder for me to think of transformational album art, than album art that represented the record just perfectly. Tall order.
@BrotherAli Haha. I'm just kidding man. Hoping to put a smile on your mug.
@BrotherAli So Harlem World by Ma$e is out?
@BrotherAli Can't wait for the album! I loved Own Light at your Pittsburgh show, and I'm so excited for more music of love, hope and beauty.
@BrotherAli I mentioned Eyedea yesterday because few artists move me like he did. You're one. Didn't have the words to say that at the time.
@BrotherAli It was so great to see you live again after so long. Thank you for always reminding us of the beauty and joy in humanity. LOVE.
@BrotherAli Also, check out Google Voice for making international calls cheap. Works better on Android, but works for iOS too.
@BrotherAli A pro-move is to get a SIM card for a European carrier, and an unlocked phone. Just swap SIM cards, and pre-pay when abroad.
@BrotherAli @dessadarling Oh to be a fly on that wall.
@BrotherAli Seems like just being mindful that you are always adding to a history, not starting from scratch.
@BrotherAli Is it "semantics" or "some antics" that you want to splatter across Ant's canvases? I've always wondered.
@BrotherAli Loving the new album. Lot's of rappers wax political, but not nearly as many know what the hell they are talking about. You do.
Grateful for the shows that I will see, but still bummed that @BrotherAli won't make it to Pittsburgh on this outing. Maybe next tour.
@BrotherAli This is going to be a great fall. /cc @YEAHRIGHTPOS
@BrotherAli Good choice. He's killing it right now, and he's a skinny dude… won't struggle too much. /cc @simsdoomtree @DOOMTREE
@dessadarling If I join, do I get to tell people that I work out with @dessadarling and @brotherali?
@Grievesmusic You should kidnap them both and bring them on your Whoops, We Forgot to go to Pittsburgh Tour. /cc @atmosphere @brotherali